Story Background
Author's Message
Chapter Excerpts
About The Author
Booking Information

Author's Message


"Dear Gavin" was originally written with the sole intent of leaving my son a factual and private account of the circumstances and events leading up to his conception, and our life together after his birth. As my story developed, others whom I trusted and confided in strongly suggested that "Dear Gavin" needed to be heard by a much larger audience than what I first intended. Hesitant at first, and after a great deal of prayerful consideration, I have now made my story public. Out of respect and to guard the privacy of those directly involved, I have changed certain names and their personal descriptions.


People often ask me, "What it is like being a single father?" My standard reply, “It's the most wonderful and frustrating thing I have ever done, but I can’t imagine not being Gavin’s daddy.” Although there is a growing number of dedicated dads willing to take on the role of solo parenting, there are still countless men in society who should never be fathers. Sadly, there are also many women who should never be mothers. I pray that "Dear Gavin" will bring greater awareness to those committed single parents who often face overwhelming odds in providing a safe and loving environment for their children. I applaud each of you; our kids are worth the sacrifice!